Border Patrol Jobs in Overton Corners, New York

The Overton Corners border crossing is a small but historic facility located in Champlain, New York, across from the town of Lacolle, Quebec. It is one of three crossings within the town of Champlain, and one of seventeen land border crossings in New York state. The Overton Corners facility is open around the clock, seven days a week, and is primarily used by nearby residents, as well as travelers who want to avoid the more congested crossings nearby.

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Border Patrol Career Paths in Overton Corners, NY

Border Patrol Jobs that may be available in Overton Corners facility include:

Border Patrol AgentU.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Agents safeguard the nation against terrorists, weapons, illegal immigrants, narcotics, and smuggling, while ensuring the free flow of legitimate travel and trade. These agents inspect travelers and their luggage, respond to surveillance, and perform other tasks, including handling canines and firearms. The CBP employs roughly 300 Border Patrol Agents in the sector surrounding Overton Corners.

Organized crime and smuggling has been a concern in the Overton Corners area: in 2010, CBP officers arrested a Quebec woman after she tried to smuggle more than $200,000 US through the Overton crossing.

Air and Marine Interdiction AgentCBP Air and Marine Interdiction Agents keep America’s residents and infrastructure safe by working closely with other federal agencies to in counter-terrorism, anti-smuggling, and intelligence operations. These agents command helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft, and marine vessels equipped with sophisticated monitoring technology. As in the case of Border Patrol Agents working at land crossings, Air and Marine agents must meet stringent requirements upon application. Many of the successful applicants for these Border Patrol positions are veterans of the nation’s military.

Other Border Patrol positions that may be available at the Overton Corners crossing include: Agriculture Specialist, K-9 Handler, Border Patrol Officer, Mission Support positions, and other employment options.

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