Border Patrol Jobs in Opheim, Montana

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), through the guidance and direction of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, protects our nation’s borders and all ports of entry with a highly trained and qualified workforce. Border Patrol professionals in Opheim, Montana, and all other Ports of Entry in the country, are on the front line of keeping criminals and terrorists from entering the country. Border Patrol jobs also include enforcing customs, navigation, and agriculture laws, and detecting and apprehending individuals not legally authorized to enter the United States.

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The Opheim, Montana, Border Crossing is part of the larger Havre Border Patrol Sector which, as of FY2011, employed 213 Border Patrol professionals. The jobs of the Havre Border Patrol Sector, which were responsible for 270 apprehensions in FY2011, covered about 450 miles of international border in the states of Montana, Idaho, Colorado, and Wyoming.

Border Patrol Careers in Opheim, Montana

Like all other Ports of Entry in the United States, Border Patrol job requirements in Opheim, Montana, are the same. Both Border Patrol Agents and CBP officers must meet the following requirements for employment with the CBP before being put through a CBP training and education program:

  • U.S. residency of at least 3 years
  • U.S. citizenship
  • Valid U.S. driver’s license

All CBP Border Patrol Agents must be under the age of 40 and CBP officers must be under the age of 37 at the time of their hire, unless they meet specific Veteran eligibility requirements or have previous federal law enforcement experience.

Candidates applying for a Border Patrol Agent or CBP officer position must undergo an extensive criminal and credit background check and pass a polygraph test, medical exam, and physical fitness test.

All jobs through the CBP come with a generous federal government benefits package, which includes retirement benefits, paid leave, long-term care insurance, life insurance, and health insurance.

Opheim, Montana, Port of Entry

The Opheim, Montana, Port of Entry is open from 8:00AM-9:00PM from June through September and 9:00AM-6:00PM throughout the rest of year. It is part of the Seattle Field Operations Office.

The Opheim Port of Entry is considered a Permit Port, which means that cargo imports passing through there must all be approved in advance by the Great Falls Service Port.

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