Border Patrol Jobs in Carbury, North Dakota

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is the law enforcement arm of the Department of Homeland Security and is the agency tasked with preventing terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering the United States. There were more than 58,000 Border Patrol jobs held through the CBP as of 2011, both on the frontlines and behind the scenes.

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Like all other Ports of Entry, the Carbury, North Dakota, Port of Entry is the site of a number of Border Patrol professionals who are tasked with securing America’s borders while also allowing the flow of legitimate travel and trade to take place.

Carbury, North Dakota Border Patrol Jobs

CBP jobs at the Carbury Port of Entry have a very distinct goal: to apprehend individuals attempting to cross the border illegally into the United States and to regulate and facilitate all types of international trade. CBP officers at the Carbury Port of Entry are tasked with collecting import duties and enforcing all trade and customs laws, while the Border Patrol Agents assigned to the Carbury area take on the task of maintaining surveillance, following up on leads, and performing transportation and traffic check and observation.

In 2011 alone, CBP officers allowed more than 1 million people into the country’s 327 land, air and seaports.

Other jobs through the CBP that may be available at the Carbury, North Dakota, Port of Entry include:

  • Agricultural Specialists: These professionals identify and prevent harmful pests and plant and animal diseases from entering the country.
  • Mission Support Positions: There are a number of mission support positions through the CBP, including contract specialists, mission support specialists, purchasing agents, and security specialists, just to name a few.

Carbury, North Dakota, Port of Entry

The Carbury Port of Entry is just one of 18 international ports that are situated along the 310-mile border between the United States and the Canadian provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The Carbury Port of Entry is open seven days a week, from 9:00AM to 10:00 PM. Services at the Carbury Port of Entry are provided by the Pembina Service Port, and all Ports of Entry in this area are under the direction of the Seattle Field Operations office.

About Carbury, North Dakota

Carbury is an unincorporated city in Bottineau County, North Dakota.  Carbury is located about 10 miles northwest of the county seat and about 7 miles southeast of Souris. Minot is located about 80 miles from Carbury.

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